This quick article is a response to a question I received today on Facebook. Please use the following procedure to add metatags on .cshtml pages.

Step 1

When we create a MVC4 Application using an Internet Template we get a "Shared" folder inside the "Views" folder on the root and in the "Shared" folder you will find a layout page named "_Layout.cshtml". Open that file.

Step 2

In the "_Layout.cshtml" page add a new section call inside the <head> tag, as given below:

In the above image you can see that a section call is not required; in other words whenever we need metatags on a page we can define.

Step 3

Now, open you .cshtml page where you wish to add metatags and add the following section reference:

Step 4

Now, open the page in a browser and you will see your metatags in action.


We can also make these metatags dynamic, in other words we can control them from controllers.


public ActionResult Index()
    ViewBag.Message = "Modify this template to jump-start your ASP.NET MVC application.";
    ViewBag.MetaKeywords = "abc";
    ViewBag.MetaDescription = "abc";

    return View();

Section on .cshtml page

@section metatags {
    <meta name='keywords' content='@ViewBag.MetaKeywords'/>
    <meta name='description' content='@ViewBag.MetaDescription'/>

Hope this helps.